
About us

Accessories Unlimited, S.L. started as part of the GZ Group as a company dedicated to the import, export and distribution of products in different sectors. LoveCherry is dedicated to the distribution of erotic goods, adult toys, lingerie and cosmetics. We are leaders for quality, price and service. We also believe in new technologies with an online platform of distributor of the latest developments in this field, where our customers will find the best brands at affordable prices without giving up on quality and service. Our philosophy is closeness with the customer and personal service.

Thanks to our daily effort’s, personal and direct contact and our after-sales service, we have positioned ourselves as one of the leading wholesellers in Europe, in the field of erotic and sex products.

But at LoveCherry® we offer much more. We have developed the best shopping experience. Our website is designed to reach the maximum level of usability, viewing our catalogue is simple and pleasant, thanks to the accuracy and effectiveness of our search engine. We strive hard to catalogue the articles and complement the opinions of the customers. The purchase process is simple, with very few steps, accompanied by a secure platform for order confirmation and payment.

Our logistic system is designed for speed without relinquishing reliability. We ship the orders on the day of your confirmation. Our customers receive your order the next day with our 24 hour service. We do not compromise on customer satisfaction.

We have a highly qualified commercial and technical team. This allows us to provide a leading service to stores and for professionals. We advise and help you choose the products that best fit your business model.

Our staff advises clients on each product they are interested in, to ensure a completely satisfactory purchase. It is also possible to use our Dropshipping service, in which we have been leaders for more than 12 years. It is a pioneer type of business where the seller (retailer) does not store the products, they are stored with the distributor (us). At the same time, the wholeseller (us) is in charge of packaging and managing the shipment from the central warehouse to the final customer, in a confidential manner, thus avoiding unnecessary shipping costs because the seller does not have to receive them first and send them on to the customer.

Our warehouses with more than 4.000 m² are highly automated and our stock management system ensures a wide variety of items and a total availability of goods. You no longer need to invest money in storing products to make your business run better. You can count on the permanent stock that LoveCherry® puts at your disposal. Now you have at your disposal all the products in one store, full of material ready to be sent instantly. We are not simply intermediaries or commercial agents, we have all the products that appear in the store for professionals in the warehouse, so that you can check the availability of each and every product.

Also, if there is an item that interests you and is occasionally out of stock, you can add it to your "wish list" and we will notify you by email as soon as it becomes available again.

Our commitment to the customer is not only to offer the most competitive prices in the market, but also our willingness to resolve any incidents with the objective of achieving maximum satisfaction.